B2B Organic Growth Series: Chapter #1

Intro to B2B Organic Growth

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The methods introduced in this series are based on solid research and AIM Institute’s experience training tens of thousands of B2B professionals. Here’s why these methods will be commonplace someday.
b2bgrowth.video/1  Video length [2:12]

Transcript of Chapter 1

Do you work in a company that sells products or services to other businesses? Maybe as a business leader… or in marketing… sales… engineering… R&D?

If so, you know strong organic growth makes everything better. Customers respect you and the innovation you deliver. Activist investors don’t raid your company. You avoid yo-yo financial results with recurring layoffs. And you go to work knowing you make a difference.

In these videos, you’ll see how most companies will do this in the future, perhaps 20 or 30 years from now. They’ll look back and ask: “That’s how they tried to grow?” But you, personally, can be the catalyst for changing your business now.

These videos start with mindset changes: why maximizing shareholder wealth is a bad goal… why most business initiatives are distractions from the main show of understanding and meeting customer needs… and why B2B companies like yours have tremendous untapped advantages.

In the first video chapters, you’ll learn “why” change is needed, and in later chapters “how” to change. I’ll share our research on 24 organic growth drivers, and show you how to implement the ones that matter most.

But first, let me assure you this is not guesswork. We’ve conducted training on every continent for tens of thousands of B2B professionals—mostly from Fortune 500 companies. Best of all, we’ve had thousands of web-conferences with real new-product teams implementing our methods, allowing us to refine them.

This means what you’re about to learn will be original, not a rehash of others’ work. Proven, in virtually every B2B industry. And ultimately, obvious.

In fact, my favorite workshop question is, “But, Dan, why isn’t everyone doing this?” Good question: Let’s find out in the next chapter.
